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ArtHouse Radio

Terence McKenna, “They Live” & Alternate Realities - Ep. 159

This weekend I re-watched John Carpenter’s cult classic movie “They Live”. the story of a drifter (Roddy Piper) who stumbles upon a rude awakening that aliens are among us and controlling everything. It is, quite simply, still a fantastic movie. Whether being controlled by aliens or ruthless humans, it got me thinking: how much of what we see is, in fact, real? Is there some sort of hidden truth we cannot see?

These thoughts of alternate realities led me to the great mystic Terence McKenna, of course. One of the first things we have to think about, he says, when it comes to alien contact or an interaction with a previously unknown dimension, is: how do we recognize that? How do we know where to look?

On this episode of our ArtHouse Radio we’ll talk about Terence McKenna’s view on alien forms, we’ll review the film “They Live” and we’ll hear a few clips of Mr. McKenna talking about recognizing alien contact and whether UFOs challenge the authority of science. It’s film, it’s philosophy... it’s Ep 159 of ArtHouse Radio.

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