
Art Projects

ArtHouse 43 creates many art projects!

Ambient Music Artist Creates Calming Minimalism

New Phasing Moments Album Cover WITH TITLES.jpg

After having the fantastic art exhibition “Phasing Moments”, a collection of 9 connected works by brothers Troy and Chris Ramos, and after releasing the video works online for free, now Troy Ramos has released his sound works from this show, available for purchase on Bandcamp: Phasing Moments

“A lot of people came to the exhibit and also watched the videos on my Vimeo page, and I can’t thank them enough for their support,” said Troy Ramos. “Now I want to give everyone a chance to have the sound works. It’s honestly so inexpensive when you factor in how much work went into them, basically the equivalent of the cost of a latte. Only, by supporting my work, you’re contributing to the artistic economy and a stronger artistic culture by supporting an artist.”

These sound works are interestingly part of a collaboration, too. All 9 art works from this exhibition, 3 paintings, 3 videos and 3 sound art works, were created in the spirit of the works created before them. Using video, sound and painting, the artists took an idea, started with one medium and then passed this idea back and forth, using the previous works as a starting point to create a new work. This process was then repeated every time, with each work of art being connected to all of the previous works in some way.

“Everything in this world emanates from something that already exists. Art is no different.”, says Troy Ramos. “We simply wanted to create a collection of artworks that were more strongly connected to each other, rather than with some outside force.”

However, Ramos adds: “You can still listen to these works and enjoy the sound works on their own. It was a show featuring 9 works, all of which are connected to each other, of course.  But each work still has its own identity. It’s almost like a harmony of 9 works, all connected in some ways, yes, but they are still independent of each other enough to be considered their own work.“

On this album, you’ll hear the three sound works composed for this event. By listening to all three works, you’ll have experienced a third of the works from entire exhibition.

”These sound works were mostly created in Detroit. What effect this city is having on my work, if any.. it’s hard to say. But you’ll quickly get a sense of my style of minimalism when you first hear the sound works,” said Ramos. “I don’t even know if the right word is minimalism. I don’t necessarily like that word. It’s appropriate to use, of course. But essentially, these works have the exact number of sounds they needed. Nothing more. Whatever you want to call that, that’s what it is.”

”You’ll also get a really good idea of how big these sonic landscapes are. They’re huge! And they’re slowly filled with all these pointillist dots of sounds which, together, form these larger sonic sculptures.” 

This album is available here on Bandcamp: Phasing Moments